To Set Right

Lynne Shapiro’s chapbook, To Set Right, is a portal, an entryway into the ways of reconciling ourselves to the world that oftentimes wishes to rend us apart through its violences and hatreds. It is politically and historically engaged, it has a heart that is communitarian in spirit, and it compellingly advocates that our global affections are what in the end will sustain us. Even as we feel broken at times, the poems remind us how we must continue to repair ourselves as if the repairing were a meditative way to reclaim our lost histories, lost connections. This small but indefatigable book looms large as an invitation to enter a way of living that has as its core healing and solace, a life that engenders and replenishes.”
Gregory Djanikian
Purchase To Set Right here.

An irreverent, chapbook-length hybrid poem, with embedded feminist argument, set in the 1980s New York art world. Stylish, steeped in art history and mythology, GALA is a narrative anecdote, a love story about coincidence, art, film, Surrealist lore, and the desire to set the record straight.